SORHEA Perimeter Protection

20 years of valuable experience, 100 km of perimeter protection
With more than 20 years of valuable experience and over 100 km of perimeter protection, SORHEA is considered to be one of the most important manufacturers of high-level Perimeter Protection Systems in the world. As an authentic manufacturer of active infrared barriers, they have developed a large number of technologies and products through research specifically designed for the production of Perimeter Protection Systems.
Detection of perimeter trespassing attempts
To detect attempts to breach the perimeter, a sensory cable is placed on the Fence or internal masonry that detects any vibration caused during cutting, climbing or detaching the fence. The advantages of the technologies used by SORHEA as opposed to technologies used by competition are the overall performance of the system as well as the ease of installation and subsequent maintenance.
G-Fence and G-Wall, sensory protection systems
The G-Fence is an integrated cable sensor system that detects any attempt to cut, climb or destroy the perimeter fence, ignoring meteorological phenomena, as well as interference from vehicles or electromagnetic fields. The G-WALL system is placed on internal walls and is suitable for protecting large building facilities such as: warehouses, distribution companies, production sites, etc.