Intercom & Nurse Call Systems

Products for Secure Communications
Valid search and identification of specific people at critical moments (such as medical personnel in health incidents) has been our main subject of work for over 20 years. Guardian designs and manufactures products for secure communications to meet or overcome the challenges of harsh and dangerous environmental situations.
Reliability in Extreme and Volatile Conditions
Guardian’s phones and equipment have been designed and successfully used in extreme winters in the Arctic, in demanding applications on oil drilling platforms, in dangerous oil and gas refinery environments, and the volatile environment of NASA’s space shuttle launch site.
Strict Testing
The most difficult test for the equipment of Guardian is performed during its operation. To ensure that Guardian units achieve their function, each model is subject to strict laboratory and scope controls. The cornerstone of Guardian’s corporate philosophy is to “Achieve Communications easily, securely and reliably.”
Installed in many hospitals, prisons and production facilities across the country, ensuring that no part of the production process is interrupted and, most importantly, no human life is put at risk.
Intercom systems, analog, digital and special systems for prisons
Nurse Call Systems, for hospitals and clinics of all sizes
Wireless Personnel Search and Guard Protection Systems